Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 26, 2024

AI in Healthcare Revolution: Brand Engagement Network (NASDAQ: BNAI) Shaping the Future of AI


  • Investing in AI technology can give companies a competitive edge in the healthcare market.
  • AI technology streamlines administrative tasks, optimizes treatment plans, and enables more precise diagnostics in the healthcare industry.
  • AI advancements in healthcare can lead to more efficient and effective healthcare delivery, benefiting both healthcare professionals and patients.
  • BEN's AI technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, paving the way for more personalized medicine and predictive analytics.

Impact - Why it Matters

The integration of AI in healthcare is expected to reach $148 billion by 2029, offering multifaceted benefits to the sector. Brand Engagement Network's advanced AI technology has the potential to improve patient experiences, empower healthcare professionals, and enhance the efficiency and productivity of healthcare organizations. As more companies embrace the potential of AI, the development of strong infrastructure with advanced AI services will be critical for effective adaptation and the delivery of tailored customer experiences.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by streamlining administrative tasks, optimizing treatment plans, and enabling more precise diagnostics. Brand Engagement Network (NASDAQ: BNAI) is working to secure its foothold in the AI space, distinguishing itself from competitors through 16+ perception, understanding, and response AI modules that facilitate a truly human-like interaction. BEN has recently announced collaborations with OSF HealthCare and MedAdvisor Solutions to bring AI assistants to healthcare facilities and select pharmacies, aiming to improve simulated training operations for medical professionals and enhance patient experiences.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, AI in Healthcare Revolution: Brand Engagement Network (NASDAQ: BNAI) Shaping the Future of AI

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